Check-In & Rate
You can now use every visit to a specialty coffee shop to check in and rate your experience. Checking in lets you document the beverage you had. Rating enables you to give feedback on the quality of the coffee and the service. The average of all Beany Pro ratings of a coffee place will be visible to all app users.

Follow & Explore
All check-ins of all Beany Pros are displayed in the new Feed feature. You can follow other Pros and see in the Feed where they had coffee (and how they liked it). Alternatively, you can see the check-ins of everyone in the Beany Pro community.

Create & Share
Are your friends and family constantly asking you for suggestions for coffee places? Now, you can create lists of coffee shops and share them easily, even with people who do not use Beany. Curate lists of your favorite coffee places in a city, a country, or the world.
Get it Now
These are fantastic features that will make your specialty coffee journey much smoother. Do you agree? Then subscribe to Beany Pro now.